Class Content

Candidates registered in food safety or food handling courses will learn a variety of different topics ranging from microbiology to sanitizing procedures. Course content and standards are regulated by the province. Regardless of which province and the name of the course the content is essentially the same. Upon completion of the courses candidates will receive wallet sized or wall mount certificates. Registration is quick and easy and can be completed securely through our training partner’s online registration systems.

Overview of Food Safety course

The following is an overview of the course content of a food safety or food handling course:

Food Borne Illnesses

Candidates will learn about the common food borne illnesses, the environments that they thrive in, sources and preventative measures. This is a key component of the course and candidates should have a good understanding of the causes of food poisoning.


Candidates will receive a brief education in food biology and microbiology. In order to have a understanding on how food borne illnesses and infections spread it is important to have a small background in microbiology.

Health and Hygiene

Good health and hygiene are essential to preventing the spread of food borne illnesses. Candidates will learn how to maintain proper health and hygiene in and out of the workplace.

Serving and Dispensing

Candidates will learn about food health hazards in serving and dispensing food. Candidates will learn proper techniques for food service and display. Preventing food borne illnesses must be taken into consideration in all phases of food service.

Food Protection

Candidates will learn safe food preparation and handling procedures to prevent the cause and spread of food borne illnesses.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

Clean and sanitized environments are essential when preparing, storing and handling food. Candidates will learn about dish washing facilities, cleaning techniques and proper sanitation and utensil and dish ware storage.

Receiving and Storage

Candidates will learn techniques and requirements in receiving and storing food in the workplace. Includes training in the proper storage facilities and temperatures requirements.

Register for the food handling course

Candidates will learn a variety of topics when attending a FoodSafe, food safety or food handling course. Courses are designed to teach candidates to prevent the cause and spread of food borne illnesses. To register for a course select your required certification type from the main or side menu.