Food Handling Course Contents: Important Plans for Vendors

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Aside from the proper food handling techniques, the important plans which can help vendors maintain a clean and safe place both for customers and employees are also discussed in a food handling course. This is why it is important for food handlers, vendors and business owners to take this type of course especially if they are relatively new to the food industry. Here are some of the important plans that are discussed in a food handling course.

Stomach Pain Caused by improper Food Handling
Stomach Pain Caused by improper Food Handling

Food Safety Plan

Under this plan, vendors and other food handling supervisors are advised to make a checklist of the food preparation and storage techniques that should be followed at all times by everybody. It is necessary to itemize these procedures to ensure that nothing is left out. The items that should be used in order to follow these techniques such as foils and air-tight containers should also be written down so that employees and even vendors will not be given an excuse to use other items which can compromise the cleanliness and safety of the food.

Sanitation Plan

Under the sanitation plan, vendors are advised to make a list of the items that should be cleaned. The schedule on when and how they should be cleaned should also be written down in detail. Overall stall or restaurant cleaning should also be included in the list. The right cleaning agents that should be used should also be described to ensure that the right agents are used on the right items. Guidelines on storing these cleaning agents properly should also be included in the plan.

Equipment Maintenance Plan

This plan does not simply include the small items that should be properly cleaned and maintained regularly such knives and pots. These equipment also include heavy duty cooking items such as gas ranges and large ovens since these equipment can also harbor pathogens which can cause food poisoning. They can also be an employee safety hazard when they are not maintained. This is why making an itemized list on how these equipment should be cleaned and maintained is important.

Training Plan

No matter how well-trained a vendor or a restaurant owner is, it will not matter if his or her employees do not possess the same knowledge when it comes to food safety. This is why it is advisable for all vendors and business owners to invest on a training plan and a food handling course for every employee. It is also advisable to post the guidelines that are discussed in these courses in the workplace through a training plan.

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